March 14, 2011

Love is

Why do we lvoe to talk about love? It is almost like we obsess over it. what is it really? There are so many different kinds I highly doubt that someone could nail that definition on the head. I mean theres...
-love between a married couple
-boyfriend and girlfriend love
-stalker love
-lust love
-friend love
-sibling love
-grandparent love
-parental love
-money love
-those creepy third cousins who your mother told you to love love
and so on and so on..... Why then do we do this to ourselves? suffer through the heartbreak after we loose what we have lost?
I will tell you why. Because with out love life would be boring and quite meaningless. If it weren't for love then no one would have anything real to live for. We would all go through life like cavemen thinking of the basics.... Can I eat it or Can it eat me?


  1. i odnt have any creepy third cousins my mommy told me to love........ is that normal?

  2. I loved your post, I laughed when I read "those creepy third cousins who your mother told you to love love". Oh my gosh that is written gold.

    Great image of the caveman too-- except I'm too busy trying to get over your third cousin remark.

    O.o' Blink blink.
